Travel and Housing Information
The 5-star Hotel Botánico is the official hotel for the conventions and has rooms for registrants at special prices. Many other hotels exist nearby and may be located by doing a search on "Tenerife Hotels." For example, on do the search: > Hotels > Spain > Canary Islands > Tenerife Hotels .
Tenerife has two airports:
Los Rodeos in the north (TFN), approx. 20 min. from Puerto de la Cruz by car
Reina Sofía in the south (TFS), approx. 1 ½ hours from Puerto de la Cruz by car
Generally there are no regularly scheduled direct flights from the US to Tenerife. You typically make a connection in Madrid or Barcelona. To be on the safe side, try to have at least 4 hours to make your connecting flight into Tenerife. Tenerife flights are often full and if you miss your connection you may have a significant wait to get on another flight. Also make sure to pack a carry-on bag good for several days in case your luggage is delayed. TFN is more convenient to Tenerife but if you will be leaving from TFS, usually you can find other attendees with whom to share a ride on the return leg. (Advice from a 2-time attendee)
Tranportation from Airport to Hotel and Return
Make arrangments for transportation from the airport to your hotel by taxi, bus, or rental car via your travel agency or on the internet.
Transportation from Hotel to Congress and Return
Transportation will be available from the Hotel Botánico and other points in Puerto de la Cruz to the Convention Center. Details will be published shortly before the Congress.
Map of Puerto de la Cruz and
Location of Important Sites for the Conferences
Map courtesy Lonely Planet.
The 5-Star Hotel Botanico has special rates for participants in the two conferences. The Science Congress will take place in the Hotel, while buses will provide transportation from the Hotel Botanico and other sites to the Convention Center for the Parrot Conference. A miniature train provides regularly scheduled transportation between Plaza Reyes Catolicos (within walking distance of many hotels) and Loro Parque itself.